Optimising Financing, Treasury and Payments

We work hand in hand with treasurers and CFOs to innovatively optimize their financing strategies, liquidity, payments, treasury efficiency, and financial advisory needs.

20+ years’ experience
550+ engagements worldwide
$1.5 trillion transaction volume renegotiated
$35 billion debt raised over the last 5 years

Our services


Take control of your relationships with lenders and your financing negotiations with Redbridge Debt Advisory.

Cash Management & Treasury

Improve the performance of your treasury operations through best practices and controlled costs with Redbridge Cash Management Advisory


Take control of your payments strategy.

Our team

Meet the experts

David Vafai


Patrick Mina

Chief Executive Officer

David Laugier

Chief Operating Officer

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Why redbridge?


We believe that true independence is critical to providing clients with the best possible advice. We are fully aligned with our corporate clients, and everything we do is in the best interest of our clients.


Our extensive experience as former bankers, cash managers, and experts in the field of account analysis, drive success at every stage of your most important projects.

International footprint

With offices across North America, Europe and Asia, our experts help you realize your most important strategic initiatives and support your development around the globe.

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